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The June Dine-A-Round was hosted by Joe and Sharon Doggett at the Anglers Cove Restaurant located in the Port of the Islands Everglades Adventure Resort.  Bill Horton lead the way to cocktails in the bar adjoining the large assembly room where we enjoyed a time of refreshment and caught up on the latest events in our busy lives.  As usual Luther regaled us with his quips as Jackie tried her best to keep him in line. I was confused when I observed Joe and Bill comparing cards that they had obviously just removed from their wallet.  Had they forgotten their names or just checking their date of birth before heading to the bar?  Joe Anzalone brought along his brother Dale in the hopes he would get him back home before curfew.  For those who dared to stay up past Marco midnight, live entertainment in the lounge followed dinner.  We had to beat it to be home before “midnight” so I can’t report on the after dinner activities.  The band was cranking up when we left and it sounded good.  I’m thinking everyone who stayed had a great time.

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