Saturday morning January 30th was a beautiful, sunny crisp day for the gathering of the MBYC Fleet at the Esplanade Marina. At promptly 10:30 we called the Fleet to attention for our National Anthem and Pledge of Allegiance. The Bridge boat “TenneSea Waltz” was Captained by Bob Herndon and the Past Commodore boat “My Turn” was Captained by Barry Gelfand and his first mate Claudette.
The ceremony started with the Blessing of the Fleet by our Chaplin Alan Sandlin, followed by remembrance of those we lost this past year by placing a rose in the water and short period of silent prayer. Those remembered in the rose ceremony were D’Ann Brandt, Carolyn Carroll and Helen Meyer. We also placed a rose in the water to remember all those we have lost in the past.
The Fleet was then called and readied; and then lead in review by Assistant Fleet Captain Brent Cook and his First Mate Susan by the Bridge and Past Commodores boats. Everyone then gathered at CJ’s on the Bay for lunch.
After a delightful lunch there were many announcements of upcoming events. First Mate Chairwoman Sally Orth reminded everyone of the Painting & wine event on February 8 or should I say wine and painting; a raft up picnic on February 10 at 11:00 on Sand-dollar Island. Then we reminded everyone of the upcoming Cruise to Sarasota and surrounding areas February 12 to 25, Fleet Captains auction March 4 at Old Marco Lodge and Crab House along with Jo and Doug Baillie sponsoring a scavenger hunt by boat March 5th. A reminder the February Madness will be February 29, leap year at Bistro Soleil.
A great big Thank You to all those who helped with the event including Linda and Al Saunder’s, who were celebrating their anniversary with us, Chef Laura at CJ’s and Dock-master Joe. A big thanks to all who attended and enjoyed a great tradition of the MBYC.