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Charlie was the center of attention at August Monday Madness. Not the big Charlie in the white shirt but the little guy he’s holding. Don and Sally Orth brought the most recent addition to their family, grandson Charlie. He must have felt a little like a football being passed from person to person. I think everyone had a turn holding the little guy. What a good guy and great sport. I don’t remember hearing a single whimper from Charlie the whole afternoon. I mean the little guy. It was nice to have Don and Sally in town for a few days and great to see them at Monday Madness.

Despite the typical August heat and humidity we perspired, persevered and enjoyed visiting and catching up with friends and sharing our travel and activities. We are looking forward to the return of several of our year around members who have enjoyed extended travel this summer. Looking forward to seeing you at September Monday Madness.

We plan to repeat the “What did you do this summer” gallery in the October Baylines. Please share a couple of pictures with a brief note describing location/activity. It interesting to learn what other members did during the summer. Please email to [email protected].

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