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The 2018 Welcome Aboard Party was held at the Marco Island Yacht Club on April 11th. The evening began at 5:00 p.m. with cocktails. During the cocktail hour our 50th Anniversary video played. Robin, Mike and Cindy Brown’s daughter created the presentation for our Commodore’s Ball this year and everyone enjoyed seeing it again.

After cocktails we were seated and Commodore Rudi Landwaard welcomed everyone. Rudi then introduced our new members and had them say a few words about themselves. As they were being introduced a video played with photos of all the new members. This was Bob White’s idea and he did a great job of putting it together. The names of their sponsors also appeared with their photo. As the new members were presented each woman was given a rose and the couple received two MBYC 50th Anniversary champagne flutes filled with gold wrapped Hershey kisses. We welcomed aboard Therese and Dennis Barnes, Cherie and Jerry Hoover, Marjorie and Nick Ligelis, Bonnie and Stan Pilat, Nanette and Jerry Schaller, and Kris and Eric Zimmerman. The new members were seated with their sponsors who helped introduce them to other members at their table. We are happy to have them aboard and look forward to new friendships and will encourage them all to join us in all our activities and to “Boat and Play with Marco Bay”. After the introductions Rudi encouraged everyone to invite their boating friends to join MBYC members.

Dinner was served following our Chaplain, Alan Sandlin’s prayer. As always his words were thoughtful and inspirational.

The meal was delicious. We were served a Caesar salad, a choice of plum glazed brisket or lemon sole, followed by key lime pie.

After dinner we entertained by MBYC’s very own DJ Bob White. He started out with a fun music trivia game with movie theme songs during dessert. Then he got us all up dancing. It was great fun!!

Welcome Aboard to all our new members.
Sally Orth, Social Chair Person