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At about 4:30 pm Monday, April 30 the customary gathering of MBYC members commenced with the arrival of Joel and Sherry Fitzjarrald, burdened down with the Ship’s Store merchandise. The weather was absolutely perfect and arrivals quickly became a steady stream. We had a terrific turnout even though many members have already head north for the summer.

Let a crowd gather and you’ll find Judy Sacher hawking 50-50 drawing tickets. It’s impossible to pass up her pitch. Once again P/C Frank Mulligan held the first place ticket. Cindy Brown was the second place winner and Donald Orth came in third.

Mark and Joanne Daugherty are setting the pace for new member recruiting. Apparently they invited the entire neighborhood to check us out. If you have neighbors who are good prospects bring them along to the next Monday Madness.