The Karine, owned by Bob and Sandy LaMontagne, was the MBYC entry in this years Marco Island Boat Parade. An eager crew of MBYC members made quick work of decorating the boat: Commodore Rudi Landwaard, Rear Commodore Larry Sacher, Dianne Kernan, Bob Boland, Lyn Bedell, Barry and Claudette Gelfand, Dan and Deb Lowell, Bob & Sandra LaMontagne, Brent Cook and William Hillyer. The challenge was unraveling the power cables to determine the safe workable ones. After that the process moved along smoothly.
It was a perfect night for the boat parade, calm winds and smooth waters. With Christmas carols playing, Santa waving, three elves dancing and dolphins flying, the Karine, captained by Sandy LaMontagne with piloting assistance by Commodore Rudi Landwaard, made her way from her dock at the Esplanade to the Marco River on the way to the judges station at the Marco Island Yacht Club, across Factory Bay passing the Snook Inn, through Collier Bay back to dock at the Esplanade. The route offered the perfect vantage point for observing the other entrants in the parade.
Our MBYC entry was awarded the “Most Creative”. Thanks to all who participated and especially to Brent and crew who got up early Sunday morning to remove the decorations and move them back to storage before the rains began.
The Boat Parade Team