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The Almost Annual Circumnavigate Marco and Paradise Found Luncheon, 2022, is now in the history books.  It was a delightful event with a total of 65 MBYC members and guests (Fifty one people arrived by boat and 14 by car).  The Circumnavigate Marco event began under the skillful leadership of Captains Al Rapp and John Kernan.  Captain Rapp led boats from Caxambus while Captain Kernan led the boats from the Jolly Bridge.  It was quite a sight to see the 14 boats arrive and dock at the Paradise Found Restaurant. 

When the MBYC members arrived, one thing was very apparent, they were very happy to see each other.  Conversations and laughter began immediately and continued throughout the event.  Smiles and warm wishes were everywhere!  The atmosphere was casual as people visited with friends from table to table and got their own drinks to assist the staff. 

The club was welcomed by Paradise Found owner, Mr. Jim Paradise and his staff.  The staff worked very hard to provide friendly and helpful service along with great food. 

Thanks to all who participated.  The MBYC can look forward to another great Almost Annual Circumnavigate Marco event in 2023.  See you then!!