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Despite the fact that 66 members participated in Circumnavigate Marco, there was a good turn-out for February Monday Madness at CJ’s on the Bay Star Bar at the Esplanade.

About 32 MBYC members were in attendance. We enjoyed meeting Betty Barter’s daughter and grandson.

A familiar refrain was;  where did all these people come from and when are they leaving.  It seems that this year, normal migration patterns have been altered  for variety of reasons.  I suppose we are adjusting to the New Normal?

The 50/50 raffle saw Sally Orth excitement turn to disappointment when she discovered that her number was not the winner. It must have been the noise generated by all the excitement. The three winners were Shirley Southard – $25; Margi White – $30, Mary Ellen Mount – $40. I understand that Dave was unsuccessful in his attenpt to convince Mary Ellen to split it with him.  Everyone seemed to enjoyed the fun and camaraderie with friends under the beautiful sunset over Smokehouse Bay.

See you Monday, March 28, same time and place, for March Madness.