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On January 9th seven boats set out for Boca Grande Marina including  Cookin’ (Brent & Susan Cook), My Cherie (Jerry & Cherie Hoover), Hoosier Daddy IV (Dave & Jackie Cox & friends Larry and Cathy Teghtmeyer), Sonatella (Chuck & Janice Hubscher), Divergent (Bill Schroeder), Nauti Buoy (Dave & Mary Ellen Mount) and guest boat Sidetracked (Frank Higgins & Donna Patterson).  We were also joined by land yachters Mike & Cindy Brown.

That evening we all gathered for our traditional group dinner at Eagle Grill in the marina and then our second group dinner followed on Tuesday at Scarpa’s.  In between we enjoyed a group lunch at South Beach and a breakfast at The Outlet at The Inlet.

Sidetracked headed back to Marco on January 12th and Sonatella followed on the 13th.

On the 13th the remaining five boats moved to South Seas Marina and enjoyed two group dinners at Green Flash and Doc Ford’s with lunches poolside and in Captiva.

We had planned a four-night stay at South Seas but as we watched the weather, we determined it was best to head home after just 2 nights so we left Saturday morning for a great ride home in nearly flat seas.  That was a good decision with Sunday and Monday seas in the 6’ range.

As usual, we had a great time and hope more of you can join us on an upcoming cruise.
