MBYC hosts a Texas Holdem game most weeks within the winter season. There are about a dozen regulars and an occasional guest or new member prospect. The last game was hosted by our new member prospect IrvP. We now use real coins to make it easier to close out at the end of the game, but it is all small change. As P/C Frank Mulligan says “Where can you get this much entertainment for less than $10.” He also states that he has so many good friends from MBYC because of the boating and social activities. I have to agree – If you participate, you will make many good friends.
The best hand of the day. P/C Frank bet big on the straight only to get spanked by a pocket pair of 5’s. All the drama of WPT (World Poker Tour) and a huge payout of about $5.
It’s all a lot of fun and there are no ringers in the group. If interested in playing, please respond to the host listed in the regular eBlasts that are sent out. Games are often limited to 8 players. Games last for 2-3 hrs. in the mid afternoon.