ADMINISTRATIVE | In charge of roster, official club tie, burgee flag, name tag and jacket patch. | |
* AUDIT COMMITTEE | Bob Boland, Brent Cook & Rudi Landwaard | Audit the Club’s books at the end of the fiscal year and at the change of Treasurer. |
BAYLINES NEWSLETTER | TBD | Edit articles, proof-read, work with printer & publish monthly newsletter. |
* CLUB CHAPLAIN | Alan Sandlin | Provides spiritual support including event invocations. |
COMMUNICATION | Bob Gagnon | Notify members of matters which cannot wait for publication of the monthly newsletter via email. |
DAY FLEET CAPTAIN | Steve Stark | Responsible for planning day cruises, beach picnics and luncheon cruises. |
* FINANCE | Dave Doolittle & Bridge | Responsible for financial matters. |
* FIRST MATES | Theresa Kisscorni | All Club women belong, and functions are planned. |
* FLEET CAPTAIN | Brent Cook | Responsible for planning long range cruises, and weekend cruises. |
HISTORIAN | Alan & Linda Sandlin | Manage the Club’s history documents and photos, including history displays, videos, etc. for events and parties. |
LONG RANGE PLANNING | Linda Gagnon | Meets quarterly and visits issues and direction of the club. |
MEMBERSHIP | Judy Sacher | Collect prospective member’s applications and forward them to the Board. Following Board approval, collect initiation fees and first year dues and forward to the Treasurer. Forward the chosen committee choices of new members to the Commodore. |
PHOTOGRAPHY | Dan Lowell | Photograph events and forward on to website and newsletter chairpersons. |
PUBLIC RELATIONS | TBD | Specialize in contacts with local newspapers, radio & television about club activities, social & boating along with training & safety sessions. |
ROSTER | Dan & Deb Lowell | Collect membership data and publish annual roster. |
SUNSHINE | Lydia Krueger | Comfort and enorage members in times of illness or grief. |
SHIP’S STORE | Kelly Rogers | Responsible for the Ship’s Store and distributing the new members’ kits to the Rear Commodore |
* SOCIAL COMMITTEE | Maria Adamson, Sandra Fuhrmann, Mary Shaw, Anne Vanic | Plan all club wide social functions, specifically the Commodore’s Ball, New Member Welcome, Welcome Back Party, and Holiday Party. |
WEBSITE & COORDINATION | Bob Gagnon | Manage the website — |
* Required by MBYC Bylaws |