On Sunday afternoon on December 5th the Marco Bay Yacht Club filled the entire Marco Princess for a sunset cruise dinner. We were so lucky to have the whole boat for the club’s use. People could go up and down stairs between decks and hang out on the after deck. We sailed from Rose Marina and made our way up the river to Smokehouse Bay then traveled out to the end of Tigertail beach to view sunset.
The day and evening weather was fantastic. The company was great. The food was delicious. Several members commented on how many years it had been since they had taken the cruise and how nice it was to reconnect with old friends.
Bonnie Pilat chaired the event with help from Nancy Taylor, Linda Gagnon, and Margi White. As usual, Bonnie outdid herself making nametags and special favors for all to take home.
Many thanks to Sally Orth for making a gorgeous center piece Christmas tree in a glass ornament for the grand raffle prize. Congratulations to Susan Cook the grand prize winner.
Anyone donating to Toys for Tots was eligible to participate in the raffle. We raised almost $2000 for the children. Thank all for their generous donations to a worthy cause.