On September 30, The McKendricks, Gelfands, Lowells and Kelly Rogers made it to the Star Bar at CJ’s on the Bay for Monday Madness, kicking off the fall season.
Picking up momentum, we rolled into October Madness with 24 members in attendance. as more seasonal members return The Adamsons, Fuhrmanns, Gagnons, Hendersons, Kernans, Lowells, Millers, Orths, Southards, Tuttles, Vanics, and Jack Bruinsma, Barry Gelfand, Paul Schneeberger were able to attend October Madness.
I especially enjoy reconnecting with our seasonal members as they return each fall. There is always lots to catch up on as we share our experiences of the summer. If you’re not a regular Madness participant, you’re missing a golden opportunity to get acquainted with new members and establish life long friendships with other members.
We will begin the 50/50 at the November 25 Madness. Mark your calendar and make it a point to join us.