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Past Events 2021

Pink Shell & Legacy
Cruise Trip Report

By April 9, 2021April 15th, 2021No Comments

Our March cruise to Pink Shell Marina and Legacy Harbour Marina was a great time with long-time boaters as well as newer members of MBYC.

On March 13th Cookin’ (Brent & Susan Cook), Nauti Buoy (Dave & Mary Ellen Mount), No Agenda (Mark & Joanne Daugherty) and O Sea D (Vern & Ann Graham) left Marco for Pink Shell in Ft. Myers Beach. A couple mechanical problems delayed the Grahams departure from Marco so Vern and Ann got to hone their night-time boating skills arriving at Pink Shell about an hour after dark.

On this four-day stay we all enjoyed a favorite dining establishment……Fresh Catch where we were joined by the Sachers who came by car. It was a non-eventful Uber ride to the restaurant but found it difficult to get back to the boat as no Uber or Lyft drivers were available. The Grahams and Mounts began walking when they walked past an empty Uber in stalled traffic and Vern got them a ride. The Cooks and Daughertys also began walking when Mark found us a ride to the boats in the back of a pickup driven by a mother and her son who could not have been nicer.

The Grahams headed back to Marco on the 16th and Cookin’, Nauti Buoy and No Agenda headed up the ICW on the 17th for the 16 mile trip to Legacy Harbour Marina. Just as the three of us got docked, we were joined by Hoosier Daddy IV (Dave & Jackie Cox) along with guests, and soon to be new MBYC members, Larry and Jan Gates on Heartbeat. In addition to us 5 boaters, we were joined by Land Yachters Mike and Cindy Brown.

In addition to dining at favorite eateries including Firestone, The Veranda, Fords and First Watch, Cindy Brown organized an evening at Broadway Palm Dinner Theater for the 12 of us. After dinner we were treated to a really outstanding production of “On Your Feet” which is the musical story of Emilio and Gloria Estefan.

One thing we discovered very quickly at Legacy was the overwhelming presence of Midges. If you’re like me, you had no idea of what these non-biting nasty little bugs were but soon found they covered the entire boats overnight for 4 straight nights! I mean they were everywhere! In over a dozen trips to Legacy I had never encountered them. It happens they are the result of dramatic water releases from Lake O and normally last a few days but have been present now for over a month. Three weeks later, No Agenda is still finding them on their boat.

Overall this was another great cruise and we are very excited to have Larry and Jan Gates joining MBYC!

Cruise Leader

