Frank will lead a group from Caxambas Pass departing at 10:00 AM
I will lead a group from the Jolley Bridge departing at 9:30 AM
Or if you prefer, feel free to start on your own
We will all meet at Coon Key Light at 10:30 AM
N25° 52.903′ W81° 37.938′
Monitor VHS channel 68.
The Rod & Gun Club is available for Cash Only lunch for those who
choose. Call 239-695-210; tell them you are with the Marco Bay Yacht Club
Each vessel is required to have a Park Pass. The Everglades Boating
Course and Certificate is not required since we will not be stopping within
park borders. For pass information and purchases:
You might consider a National Park Senior Pass. I believe it to be one of
the greatest values in the USA:
Captains are strongly encouraged to promote COVID safety and
to limit passengers on their boat to allow for social distancing.
Please let me know if you plan to join us: [email protected]