The Welcome Aboard New Member Party was held on March 28th at the Marco Island Yacht Club. The evening began at 5pm with cocktails and our 50th Anniversary video playing for all to enjoy. Thank you Mike Brown for setting up the video equipment. After cocktails we were seated and Commodore Sally Orth welcomed everyone. Sally introduced the Bridge, Board and Committees to the those present. The new members were introduced and asked to say a few words about themselves. Each lady was presented with a red rose and the couples each received two of our 50th anniversary champagne flutes containing nautical blue and white mints. We welcomed aboard Charles and Holly Erker, Jeff and Patti Jo Wilson, Glen and Theresa Perkins, Hermann and Darlene Schultz and Dan and Connie Woodworth. They were encouraged to participate in the Club activities and events to “Boat and Play with Marco Bay”. We were sorry our other new members were not able to attend. Blll and Kim Hilyer, Doug and Barbara Hess, Benny and Jeanie Tincher and Rick and Valerie Woodworth you were missed!
Dinner was served after our Chaplain, Alan Sandlin’s Inspirational prayer. Our dinner meal consisted of a wedge salad,choice of MIYC’s surf & turf, lemon sole, or a vegetarian eggplant entree, followed by flourless chocolate cake.
After dinner we were entertained by our fabulous DJ Bob White. He started us out with an enjoyable game of music trivia. Our members do not lack in their competitive spirit. The fun continued with music and dancing. Thanks Rear Commodore for another year of playing our favorite tunes. It was a lot of fun!
Welcome Aboard to all our New members.
Paula Skillern, Social Chair