Early Friday morning, November 14th, eight Marco Bay Boats left Marco for Marathon Marina (Nauti-Boy, Sachmo, Cookin, Sonatella, SeaYa’ll, Tenne Sea Waltz, Wanderer V and My Turn). From the land Mulligan’s, Rapp’s and Coffin’s planned to meet the boaters in Marathon to join in the fun, games and good times during the Marathon Marina part of the cruise- November 14 to the 17th. As usual Mother Nature had her own plans and the boats had to leave Marathon a day early to catch good seas, but MBYC “wheelies”, alas land yachters, met for dinner in Marathon at the Barracuda Grill. They toasted all the sea cruisers, who had reached their destinations and were tucked away safely in their various ports-of-call; Gelfands back in Marco, Herndon’s, Kernan’s, Skillern’s safe in Islamorada at Plantation Marina and Cook’s, Mount’s, Hubscher’s and Sacher’s who went on to Key West. Everyone had a great time playing games and docktails were plentiful as usual, but a highlight of the trip was our dinner at Keys Fisheries where it was rumored that Bob ate at least 3 dozen stone crab claws!!
The stormy weather followed us to Key West and for several days we found indoor entertainment. Larry and Judy offered their boat for docktails, several went to the movies and /or museums and games were played in the shelter of Curry Mansion or the Galleon’s rooms. The cold NE windy 60-70 degree days altered some of the planned activities, but our goodhearted flexibility opened up many other activities for fun, i.e. dinner at the Commodores Club, A & B Lobster House, LaTeDa and the Cafe Marquesa. The Mulligans, who stayed in their motor home, and the Rapps, who stayed at a bed and breakfast, were able to join in most of the good times. Sachmo left for Marco a day early on Nov. 23 and Cookin, Nauti Buoy and Sonatella followed on Monday Nov. 24th. Marco Bay cruisers did not enjoy the best weather for most of the trip, but once again, good times were had by all – good food, good friends and good comradery. Ginny Rapp